Clinical Pathological Anatomy - TELEPATHOLOGY


Index of Articles
Clinical Pathological Anatomy - TELEPATHOLOGY
The concept of telepathology
SOFTWARE and HARDWARE facilities
Relations between ACN and hospitals
Logistics of telepathology

Customer relations between ACN and clinics and hospitals are guided by:

  • A Protocol for Laboratory & Diagnosis of Pathological Anatomy to operate with ACN, including the technical requirements specific to Telepathology.
  • Purchase contract for the Telepathology services of ACN SL detailing the terms and conditions of the same. ACN's main objective is to establish and maintain a fluid, long-term relationship with the referring hospitals or laboratories to ensure a high quality diagnosis in each case presented.

ACN ensures that each sample will be diagnosed using Telepathology by a Pathologist specialized in the area corresponding to the sample submitted for diagnosis. These Specialist Pathologists are highly experienced in their field and will follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). One of the main challenges in modern pathology is ensuring that highly experienced and specialized Pathologists follow the same criteria when diagnosing. Consequently, ACN's telepathology network focuses on very specific fields of Pathology, consistent with the fields in which there is an available homogeneous and experienced group of Specialists, who, apart from other regulations, will always follow the morphological and molecular criteria of the WHO in the diagnosis of tumors.

In all cases, they are professionals with ample experience in their field, which also includes the handling of cytological material, immunohistochemical material, diagrams of FACS/flow cytometry, FISH, RT-PCR and microarrays. This is necessary as many of the cases submitted will be done so in order to obtain a "second opinion", and therefore will be difficult, atypical and complex cases. ACN ensures that each case is diagnosed promptly and that a clear and easily readable report follows each diagnosis. All communications are conducted through secure lines and in strict confidentiality. This Department of ACN is in the R&D phase and is not yet operational.


These relations are based on:

  1. ACN SL Protocol for the clinical diagnosis, technical standards, responsibility and management of Telepathology.
  2. Service contract with the Pathologist, on a part time basis, under the terms and conditions of the professional relationship.
  3. 3. ACN's Quality Control System and follow-up of cases for the security of the diagnoses issued.

ACN ensures that all the Specialist Pathologists working in its network operate confidentially using secure lines. This allows the Specialist Pathologist to electronically sign their diagnoses with 100% security, safe in the knowledge that no one can alter or interfere with their electronic diagnosis, for which they are solely responsible. ACN also ensures that all Specialist Pathologists working in its network only receive cases appropriate for their respective fields of expertise and professional excellence. Andorra la Vella - Principat d'Andorra