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Financial Asset Management |
SKILLS: What do we do well? |
EXPERIENCE: What have we done? |
How we operate and how you can contact us |
Protocols are the doctrine that guides the strategy preceding the actions in the management our R&D portfolio Therefore, these Protocols are dynamic and we update them in accordance with the lessons we learn.
Sale of Consulting in Financial Management: ACN only sells advice on the management of Equity and Fixed Income portfolios.
ACN only offers management recommendations to its Clients. It is always the Client who makes the final decision and carries it out. Likewise it is the Client who decides whether to apply our advice or not. At ACN we are not interested in knowing which specific bank the Clients' funds and portfolios are deposited in because we do not accept any authority (or responsibility) concerning Clients' portfolios, their accounts or their bank managers. The advice we give is based on sharing with Clients, via the Internet, the management of our own portfolio. With our Clients we share the movements of funds between portfolios, purchase and sale transactions and the results we obtain from our portfolios as a result of all this.
The objective is to enable the Clients themselves to duplicate and reproduce ACN's results in their own portfolios, if they decide to do so.
Each Client always maintains their own portfolios under their exclusive control and always acts freely and entirely under their own responsibility. ACN only offers management recommendations to its Clients. It will always be the Client who makes the final decision.
New potential Clients may approach ACN to explore a possible subscription to the Financial Management Advisory Service. New Clients have to be aware that they will be asked to submit a report to ACN & a standard KYC (Know Your Client) questionnaire, before ACN can accept their registration as a Client.
On registration, the Client will be asked to pay a quarterly maintenance fee for the ACN service subscription.
In addition, a success fee formula will be agreed and applied only on the extraordinary profits that are above the Targets, whose minimum parameters we have already indicated above.
A letter on intentions, conditions and general subscription terms shall then be exchanged between the Client and ACN.
Then the new Client will be sent their session login password, so that they can contact ACN at any time, via secured lines, for any questions or clarification.
At this point, communication with the Client is started so that they can DUPLICATE AND MAINTAIN their portfolios according to the ACN model and follow the changes produced by ACN's management of their portfolios. By duplicating ACN's management actions, the Client will double the results of our portfolios in their own portfolios.
Please see the Home page and go to the section: "Contact ACN", new clients are always welcome! Andorra la Vella - Principat d'Andorra