Asset Management

EXPERIENCE: What have we done?

Index of Articles
Financial Asset Management
SKILLS: What do we do well?
EXPERIENCE: What have we done?
How we operate and how you can contact us

Own R&D portfolios:

we have developed two dynamic protocols for two types of portfolios:

  • Fixed income:

    a portfolio of corporate Bonds (specifically, this is a Dynamic Bond Fund).
  • Equity:

    a portfolio of specialized Capital funds & ETFs (specifically, this is a "Fund for Stock Mutual Funds"). Our merit lies in having invested our own money in these two experimental portfolios. Over the years this has enabled us to develop our well defined and tested protocols. Every year we learn something new that enables us to refine these protocols. Moreover, the change in the financial environment calls for an adaptation of strategies to follow.


Purchase & Sale of Securities:

as explained above, we reach our decisions on what we must buy or sell through a combination of conventional financial analysis tools and Business Review procedures. However, this is still not the end of the process. Next comes the final question: at what price? Obviously we are only interested in financial investment that will generate good yields for a period of 12-18 months. We do not we make short-term speculative investments and neither do we make very long-term investment strategies. We think that in the financial world, nobody can predict anything beyond the next 18 months. For us, each new year is a new fiscal year. On January 2 of each year we set the yield coefficients of each portfolio "at zero" and start a new year.

The Objectives of the Portfolios: in the Fixed Income Portfolios, the objective is to obtain a result, i.e. twice the value of the year's Predominant High Yield Coupon. For example, in 2014, the value of the predominant coupon was 3.5%, and the target was 7%. The historical result was 12.5%.

In Equity Portfolios, the aim is to be ahead of the year's World MSCI Equity INDEX - in USD by 2 PPS. That is to say, we have to "beat" the market.

The Protocols of financial investment:

these constitute our more "valuable" asset and this is what we sell in the form of advice to private investors who choose to be our Clients. In spite of the fact that these protocols are confidential, we would like to share some of their principles to give you an idea of their philosophy as in the following example:

  • The total investment amounts of each one of the portfolios vary according to the context of the market (Bull, Bear or Non-defined). We move funds from one to another according to the Market Context.
  • We operate with a cocktail of currencies that have a significant "forward market" in the following 12 months.


  • We only operate with Corporate Bonds with investments valuing between 20,000 and 50,000 �/$. Broad diversification of the risk.
  • High-yield bonds with a potential appreciation.
  • Bonds with high liquidity, etc,...


  • We only operate with specialized Capital Funds in industrial sectors (GICs) or specific countries. We do not operate with funds of a general nature.
  • We operate with a minimum of 2 industrial sectors and 12 countries in the portfolio; from 2 to 4 funds for each sector or country and broad diversification of risk, etc. Andorra la Vella - Principat d'Andorra